There be stars…

There be stars, far away, beyond the dark horizon. A planet of water lies in front of me. Through its circumference I see the refraction of the astral worlds in the austral summer. There be stars and worlds like mine, with thoughts full of nothingness and delays, trains rushing ahead through the intricate canyons of the unknown minds and love stories. Every second, stars are seeded in the tall grass and the sky is a mirror of my never played songs. I just need a piano and a seashore: let the gods do the rest. There be stars, I see with other eyes the approaching winter: just rain came today, as stormy as any summer rain. I was driving through the water layer towards my home and the night was pushing ahead trivial thoughts. Dragons and tigers started soon devouring my dreams and now, when the morning approaches, I’m still awake and floating in the loneliness’ mist. Loneliness: my only friend and lover…. There be stars: some are waiting to hear again my poems, but what happens if the gods will just seal my mouth? Better give me back the keyboard and the seashore, I don’t need words to play the music I feel. Let the gods worry about the approaching winter, about money and time, about everyday life. There be only stars listening to my piano concertos, and the sea, my old friend, do the rest of the music…. And my music be heard only by my silent friends, giant vault be the sky of my dreams and lost hopes… Never mind they’re lost: the gravity will draw them back to me some day. Only one question remains: you, my friend, where will you be then?